Focal areas

Focal Areas: Culture, Social Harmony, Environment, Livelihoods and Women Empowerment.

We collaborate with a number of communities in Northern Kenya to strengthen their own capacity to effectively revive, document and transmit their cultural heritage. Kivulini Trust works with grassroots partner organizations to promote cultural identity and support inter-ethnic exchange and dialogue, and to promote culturally appropriate education to enhance cultural expression.

Read more: Focal areas

Our Approach

Challenges facing Northern Kenya: Political, social, geographic, economic and cultural marginalization; environmental degradation and poor infrastructure.

Gabbra FamilyKivulini Trust appreciates the ecological, cultural and socio-economic diversities of Northern Kenya. We also acknowledge that the lives of the communities of northern Kenya has been shaped by a number of intrinsic and extrinsic factors which have led to complex challenge that calls for a multifaceted approach.

Read more: Our Approach