About Us

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Welcome to Kivulini Trust. Kivulini Trust is registered under the Trustees Act, Laws of Kenya as a non-profit, non-political institution that exists to reconnect pastoralist and other minority groups of Northern Kenya.

We draw on the wisdom inherent in our communities’ traditional cultural systems and practices, and believe in their power to shape their own destiny - in order to create sustainable livelihoods and inspire the protection and celebration of their rich cultural and natural heritage.

Our vision 

A progressive society that cherishes and celebrates its culture, respects its natural environment and enjoying social harmony and prosperity.

The Trust holds very strongly that rapid and enduring change is possible when communities are able to harness and grow own resources and initiate their own solutions on development issues affecting them.

Our mission

To support pastoralist, fishing and other minority communities in the northern rangelands of Kenya sustain their cultural and natural heritage, and to realize their socio-economic aspirations

Our purpose

To promote and support the perpetuation of cultural knowledge and practices and to facilitate positive change by building on the existing cultural strengths, indigenous knowledge and natural resources management know-how for the realization of holistic and sustainable development.

Our Objective

Our objective is to support pastoralist communities in the rangelands of Northern Kenya maintain their cultural and natural heritage, and to realize their aspirations for positive change.

Our Core Values



Transparency and accountability




Read 137 times Last modified on Friday, 13 March 2015 00:05
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